2024 Election Research – Report #2 Decisive Christian Vote Carries Trump to Historic Victory, Post-Election Research Shows



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Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University


"Post-election reports attribute the landslide victory of Donald Trump to various population segments, most notably young adults and Hispanics. Realistically, those groups were helpful but hardly indispensable to the Trump triumph. The one segment that has gotten virtually no attention from the media are Christians. Simply put, among self-identified Christians, President Trump won a 56% share of their vote. And because Christians represented 72% of the voters who turned out, their support for the re-elected Republican made the difference in the race.

In comparison, among people of other faiths or no faith, Vice President Harris was preferred with 60% of the non-Christian vote. Although Harris won a larger share of the non-Christian vote than Trump’s share of the Christian votes, Christians outnumbered non-Christian voters by more than a five-to-two margin—delivering the decisive Nov. 5 victory to President Trump. These and other faith-related insights are from post-election research conducted by the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University, under the direction of Dr. George Barna. The survey, conducted during the three days immediately after the election, involved extensive interviews with a national sample of 2,000 voting-age adults" (Excerpt from Report).


